
stealing on the Saturday shift (Men's Casuals) at Bentall's
not realising my grandfather had worked the Furniture Department
to help my dad through Kingston Polytechnic,
/she lent me the pound for Hampton Ferry,
I pretended I'd had one but dropped it,
/Firenze was an angled word,
made of rosewood or exotic tree secretion
turkish-delight like
spicy carmine smelling, carved and fractal,
/October 3rd or something, it all started
looking at each other across the Sociology classroom,
Hannah offered to pay my fine
at Hampton Court station after college,
in the morning I had seen my father
in a suit there, I was smoking,
it was a laugh for us both, to see each other,
and me being snookered like that,

he was probably standing on the platform
where it crosses the river Mole
in the mist there
looking for kingfishers

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