

The dust filled my hair
like sea salt, I was blonde with it,

the column advanced, with fuel replenished,
the cracked fruit of the deep rocks oozing for us,

the children are uninitiated and wake wild in the night
we eat sea-fennel salt-soup my clothes are soiled
with the wind's effusions erosions
from within I am *purified*
with the grainy wind, the dirt worn in
is colouring, is only more smooth earth,
I think of you and like a shepherd
my heart plays songs in isolation, sweetness,
echoing to fill the valleys,

yet I am a protrusion in the desert, a standing reed
or bullrush and we are *all* that we were made as,
our kingdom, of sweat and eyes and white horses
leukippoi who purr, who would eat us

/your eyes like dark-edged coves glimmering
in rising heat waves, we stopped at fresh springs,
feminine bowed sippings, I went hooded like them
tracing across rocky hills with water fillets

to cradled lakes or sea-coasts
with their arms spread, the roofed downpath of mature trees
a hall of shadow
hiding tuffets of hair, loose green and curve-falling
and laden with spears; but the day blazed these tunnels,
the naked spurts within -

I followed your train, it was the sun who tore me to pieces
unabated, I was filled with love,

you were made a laurel tree,
a thousand leaves not falling apart
I saw you in the stream, spawning,
gathering the sands and forming an island.

Laurel trees forming an island in the sands of an ancient river.